How to MOTD in server properties

Login to your Panel

At your Panel server controls, go to File Managers Tab

And locate file then click it

You will be able to see the contents of your file

Inside of the, look for motd=

And change your motd to what you desired motd for your server.

For example: This is my MOTD of my server

Then Save Content and Restart your server

You will be able to see your MOTD at your minecraft server list

If you want to color your motd, there are color code to use to color your motd

MOTD color codesColor name/descriptionMOTD color codesColor name/description
\u00A74Dark Red\u00A75Dark Purple
\u00A7eYellow\u00A78Drak Gray
\u00A72Dark Green\u00A70Black
\u00A7aGreen\u00A7rReset color to default
\u00A73Drak Aqua\u00A7oItalic
\u00A71Dark Blue\u00A7nUnderline
\u00A7dLight Purple\u00A7kRandom text

For Second Line add \n


For example: 

Then Save Content and Restart your server.

The result will be this.

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