How to connect via SFTP to your server

If you haven't install FileZella Client
Open this guide of "How to download/setup SFTP" by clicking

If you already have, let's proceed

Open your FileZilla Client

At the upper left of you FileZilla Client

you will see your Site Manager and click it

After that it will automatically create a new site for you

  • If you want another site just click new site
  • If you want to rename your site just select your site and click rename or double click your site to rename

After that, at your Site Manager go to General Tab

then Protocol and select SFTP

And you need Host, Username, Password and a Port

Same as image below

To find these

Login to your Panel

Go to your server

At the server control, go to Settings Tab

And you will find these

(Please note: This is just an example and don't share to anyone you just know or to stranger your sftp details including password. They can use it to control all your files to your server or they can even erase your files. Make sure always to backup everytime you give SFTP details to others.)

Here's the example how to connect to your server using sftp
Password:(Same password to your panel)
Logon Type:Normal

After you provided your SFTP details to your SFTP Client

Click Connect

Congrats you know learn how to connect via SFTP


After you make a new site and connect

You can input your SFTP details here

And Quick Connect

So you can easily to connect without opening Site Manager

Everytime you open your SFTP you can just click quick connect to connect fast to your file server.

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